Legal notice

Website Owner

Binom Mobile Company
SAS with a capital of €10,000
Head office: 48, Rue Claude Balbastre - 34070 MONTPELLIER - FRANCE
Registered with the Montpellier Trade and Companies Register under number B 892 494 733.

Publication Director

Binom mobile company

Design and Graphic Implementation

Caconcept - Alexis Cretin
Graphic and digital design studio in Montpellier


140 Quai du Sartel
59100 Roubaix, France


The owner makes every effort to provide users with access to the website but cannot be held responsible for service interruptions, errors, unavailability of information, or the accuracy of the information.

Data Protection and Privacy

Conformément aux dispositions de l'article 34 de la loi "Informatique et Libertés" du 6 janvier 1978, vous disIn accordance with the provisions of Article 34 of the "Data Protection Act" of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access data concerning you. To exercise your right of access and rectification under Article 34 of the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, please send us an email.posez d'un droit d'accès aux données qui vous concernent. Pour exercer votre droit d'accès et de rectification en application de l'article 34 de la loi Informatique et libertés du 6 janvier 1978, adressez-nous un courrier électronique.

Intellectual Property

The website and all related rights are the exclusive property of the owner mentioned above. Any total or partial representation of this site by any means without the express permission of the website operator is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable under Articles L 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.